Friday, February 12, 2010

Feminism and IR to Feminist IR?

These are three videos of a few students having a private discussion in Columbia University. (Though personally, I dont think the standard is very high, the discussion is pretty basic... however, it is interesting nonetheless)

In the third video the discussion moves to a point where interesting arguments are raised about the fact that it'd be 'cool' to have a feminist realist theory following the lines of constructivist realists/realist constructivist .... It is interesting to observe how they discuss the fact that IR theory lectures always take realism as the starting point (which is fine given the historical origins of our discipline), but at this juncture, the disclaimer that this is only one of many worldviews is missed out. Somehow, all other theoretical enterprises always have to 'match-up' to what realism sets out to do.....

Feminist IR Theory - Part 1

Feminist IR Theory - Part 2

Feminist IR Theory - Part 3

we can even discuss some of the specific issues brought up in the discussion...

1 comment:

  1. Guys, instead of putting up the link, just embed it, the video would be on the blog page thereafter, easier to access I suppose...!!!
